bacillus coagulans

INTRODUCTION Bacillus coagulans is a probiotic commonly used in cat food for the following purposes: 1. Digestive support: Bacillus coagulans promotes the growth of probiotics and improves the balance of intestinal flora, contributing to the digestive health of cats. 2. Immune support: Bacillus coagulans can enhance the function of the immune system and improve the immunity of cats.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Ingestion of Bacillus coagulans generally does not produce significant negative effects, but some cats may be allergic to or intolerant of Bacillus coagulans.

RECOMMONDATIONS The following are recommendations: 1. Use in moderation: Ensure that the amount of Bacillus coagulans in the cat food is appropriate for the cat's age, breed and health condition. Read the ingredient list on the cat food package and consult your veterinarian for the optimal intake of Bacillus coagulans.