crude protein
INTRODUCTION Crude protein is a general term for various nitrogenous substances. It includes true protein and nitrogenous matter (ammoniate), which is the main component of cells, blood, bones, muscles, antibodies, hormones, enzymes, milk, hair and various organs and tissues. It is necessary for growth, development, reproduction and repair of various organs. It is the basic nutrient necessary for life activities.
POSSIBLE PROBLEMS The disadvantages of including crude protein in pet food are as follows: 1、Digestive problems: Some pets may have difficulty digesting or absorbing large amounts of crude protein, which can lead to digestive issues and gastrointestinal problems. 2、Excessive intake: Pets consuming excessive amounts of crude protein may put a strain on their kidneys. The kidneys are essential organs for waste elimination and metabolism, and an excessive intake of crude protein may burden the kidneys, potentially causing long-term kidney damage. 3、Allergy risk: Crude protein is a common allergen. Some pets may be allergic to certain types of protein, and an excessive intake of crude protein can increase the risk of allergies.
RECOMMONDATIONS It is important to ensure a moderate level of crude protein in pet food and balance the diet according to the individual needs of the pet. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian or pet nutritionist to develop a suitable dietary plan for the pet.